Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air. Valentine’s Day is around the corner.Interestingly enough, there is no right or wrong way to dress for the special day. It all depends on the events planned for the date. You wouldn’t dress in a formal ball gown to have a picnic in the park or shorts and a t-shirt for the opera! So dress date specific! If you are uncertain of the plans (or it’s a surprise), then stick with a cocktail dress with red accents.

Going to the Opera?
This is the perfect time to show off that new cocktail dress or even a full-length ball gown. An attractive jumpsuit with a nice blazer will go a long way to impress. Add color with your shoes, purse, or jewelry.

Date Night with your BFFs
Just because you don’t have a date for Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you can’t look fabulous while hanging out with friends. Try a fitted sweater with a belted skirt or add a shimmery metallic top with your favorite jeans! No matter what your Valentine’s Day plans are, Rebekah’s Bespoke Tailoring will help you dress to impress!
Charity Events
It’s February and the season of gala and charity events is upon us. Don’t get stuck searching at the last minute for a gown that anybody could wear. Instead, create a one of a kind fashion statement with Rebekah’s Bespoke Tailoring.

Our advice is to follow the dress code of the event. For a casual meeting, jeans and a nice sweater or shirt will do. If it’s a formal event, a cocktail dress is a good option, but don’t be afraid to wear something fabulous and attention-grabbing for black tie affair. One of the most important tips is to show respect. Modesty is always a safe bet when it comes to any charity event.
Looking forward to making your fashion dreams a reality!